Just Say No to Pepsico!


School Year 1992-1993

El Presidente

The officers for the MPS for the year after I graduated were Mark Sachs, president; Cathy Nelson, vice president; Neale Lanagan, secretary; Steve Gradess, treasurer. This drawing by Mark appeared in Completely Different.

I continued my practice of showing up at the executive meeting at the beginning of the semester to help brainstorm for ideas for meetings and activities, as did some other former officers, where we planned out the semester's meeting schedule and events.

Fall 1992 Schedule (Click to enlarge)

From left in this picture, taken at one such meeting, are (back): Cathy Nelson, Mark Sachs, Holli Weisman, me; (front) Neale Lanigan, Steve Gradess, Jen Hoffman.

MPS Executive Meeting 1992 (Click to enlarge)

We affectionately called Mark "El Presidente," and he wore a military style hat to his meetings, as a symbol of his office, along with a trench coat. It wasn't until years later that I realized this was a reference to an episode of the brilliant British comedy, The Young Ones.


El Contents ... After his adventures with the classified ad, the ALT tag was once again bored ...El Presidente welcome Who would you worship? Thank You Letter from Terry Jones Joab Thomas or a Dead Crab? e-mail: alycewilson@lycos.com