an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

September 7, 2007 - Program Paper

Paper for wedding programs (Click to enlarge)

Although I had to work on Monday, The Gryphon had the day off. Since I work from home, this meant we could spend some time together on Labor Day.

In the morning, I did my usual dog walk with Una and then some exercise tapes before my afternoon assignment.

Afterwards, The Gryphon joined us for another, shorter walk. That was nice, since we don't usually do that together.

We had one wedding related task to take care of, so we drove to Michael's to look for paper for our wedding programs. We're going to design them together and then print them out on a laser printer.

First, we checked out the scrapbook paper, but the sheets with interesting designs on them were too expensive for our needs. We made a quick search of the rest of the store, including the art section, and I was about to suggest moving on to Staples, but The Gryphon remembered he'd seen packets of card stock near the front door.

They had different types of multipacks with various colors in them. We chose the Seaside color assortment, which had a teal that was absolutely perfect, along with a light blue and a pale yellow that would also work. So we'll print the programs in those three colors, for a little variety. There is also green and a medium blue, which we won't be able to use, but I'm sure I'll find a use for it eventually.

Even though we had to buy extra packets in order to get enough of the colors we wanted. The paper was inexpensive, though, so it wasn't an issue.

We had some time before my evening assignments started, so we wanted to get some dinner. We drove to Media and parked near a Thai restaurant called the Noodi Bar, which specializes in noodles. But walking up to it, we discovered it was closed, so we walked a little further to the Iron Hill Brewery, which was open.

Since it was a mild day, we asked to be seated outside. Of course, one of the disadvantages is that you sort of get forgotten about. Either that or they were short staffed today, because service took longer than usual.

Because it was a holiday, they were only serving items from their lighter fare/lunch menu. At first I was a bit distressed, because I thought it was all burgers. Then I found a Mediterranean wrap with hummus, feta cheese and lots of vegetables, served on a bed of greens. It was really tasty and big, too. In fact, I had to have half of it boxed up. Between that and a light beer, it was a good meal.

It was interesting sitting on the patio, people watching. Of course, there weren't that many people walking by that time of day, though we kept seeing people walking their dogs.

Speaking of dogs, at a table near us sat a group of young guys who had an older, small white fluffy dog tied to the table with a water dish. He was friendly and got petted by a lot of passersby. The dog fell asleep, and when he woke up his master was gone, having gone inside to use the restroom. The disoriented dog barked frantically until his master returned, probably experiencing the worst of all dog emotions: the fear that he'd been lax on his duties of guarding his master.

Since we were right across the parking lot from Trader Joe's, we stopped in there before going home, picking up some Better 'N Peanut Butter, a peanut butter alternative I've grown to love, because it's lower in fat and calories than even low fat peanut butter.

Due to the holiday, I had a light work schedule, so I spent most of the evening working on Wild Violet. The new issue will be up any moment: look for it!

More on Alyce's wedding planning:

Musings on Alyce's Wedding


Bulk packets of card stock are much cheaper than scrapbook paper.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

September 2007 Index

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