an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

September 5, 2007 - Cozy Saturday

Saturday was a quiet day for The Gryphon and me, by design. We did take care of some important things, though, such as beginning to contact the wedding guests who still haven't replied.

The Gryphon also ordered the gifts for his groomsmen.

We went through the checklist of wedding related tasks and discussed how to tackle them all.

In the morning, we went out for breakfast. Then we drove around and took care of some things. First we stopped at Target, because I wanted to find shoes I could wear while walking the dog, shoes that would expose more of my foot and help me even out my Teva tan before the wedding.

My sister had told me they had some flats there that were very comfortable. I didn't find the same flats that she had, but I did find a pair of stylized tennis shoes with an open center. I tried them out at home, walking the dog, and they seemed fine. Although since then, I've worn them more and, since they're not broken in yet, they hurt the back of my heel. So I'm giving my foot a rest until it heals up a bit.

We also stopped at a couple places for The Gryphon to find items he needed for some of the games he's running at PAGE (Philadelphia Area Game Enthusiasts). This involved a very long wait at Joann's Fabrics, to buy a tape measure that has centimeter markings. For some reason, on a busy Saturday they only had one cashier working.

While we waited, I picked up a Weight Watchers magazine as well as a jewelry magazine edited by a good friend of The Gryphon's. Ironically, when we got to the front of the line, they told The Gryphon that he had to buy his tape measure in the sewing section. They did allow me, however, to pay for the magazines (which I never would have picked up if we'd known from the beginning to pay at the sewing section). C'est la vie.

Then we stopped at the grocery store before heading home. The Gryphon made a delicious dinner that night, of poached chicken thighs cooked in a delicious soy-based sauce, served on top of greens with corn on the cob.

Of course, by the time he served dinner, it was getting late and I was cranky. I apologized for that later, since the food was really delicious and he'd gone to a lot of trouble. That's one nice thing about our relationship. It's not that we never argue, but we tend to make up and resolve things quickly. I'm sure this is a skill that will come in handy once we're married.

In the evening, we hung out together in my office, where I worked on Wild Violet and he played an online game he enjoys, Eve. The animals curled up in their favorite spots: our dog, Una, on her white beanbag chair and our kitty, Luke, on top of one of my IKEA storage boxes.

It was a cozy, little domestic scene.


I should never speak when I'm so hungry that I'm cranky.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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