an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

October 2, 2006 - Looking Forward

Cosplayer with award (Click to enlarge)

Planning for Otakon 2007 has just begun. The Gryphon and I attended a meeting Saturday, the annual meeting where we elect officers for the upcoming year and get the ball rolling for next year's event.

For a lot the key officers there wasn't a lot of competition, with people who had held previous offices moving upwards and a few new people moving in.

Next year's Con Chair will be a guy I haven't mentioned by name previously on Musings but whose perpetual nickname is Hellbunny. The vice president was our head of programming last year.

The Gryphon was nominated for a higher level position but declined immediately, citing wedding planning.

Then they took names for the members at large, which is an advisory committee that, along with the board of directors, addresses policy and strategic concerns. When he was nominated for this position, he turned to me as if to ask for permission. I told him it was his choice, so he accepted the nomination and was voted in.

I'm not terribly worried about the time commitment for that position, since it will primarily involve some extra meetings but not a lot of additional leg work. So it shouldn't be much of a conflict for wedding planning.

We also took care of a lot of business at the meeting, including wrapping up some things from last year and discussing some key topics for the upcoming year. So it looks like everything is off to a start.

A less business like aspect of the meeting was when some special awards were presented to staff members who had performed above and beyond the call of duty. One of the recipients was The Costumer, who had been the head of design for the Publications Department in 2006 and also served as assistant to the con chair. She discovered the trophy was tasty.

Cosplayer eating award (Click to enlarge)

Another recipient was The Devil's Advocate, who is one of the Four Fathers who founded the convention and who has been a steady, reliable source of ideas and help over the years.

Devil's Advocate with award (Click to enlarge)

The other recipients weren't present at the meeting.

After the meeting, The Gryphon and I had dinner across the street at the Bob Evans with some friends, including Batman, The White Rabbit, The Dormouse, Pimp Daddy, and The Treasurer, who is no longer Otakon treasurer and who therefore will soon require a new nickname.

We didn't talk too much about Otakon at dinner but talked about fun things such as going to the Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire before it closes. It was a good way to wind down from a long day of work.

There's little time for Otakon staffers to rest on their laurels.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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