* Sat 11:00 AM in Grand Ballroom A VS. (126)
The audience comes up with the combatants, and the panelists figure
out who would win. Forget Alien vs. Predator... how about Bugs Bunny
vs. Doctor Doom!
The Horror Film Buff (mod), Genevieve Iseult Eldredge, Alyce Wilson,
Frank Wu, Andrew C. Ely
* Sat 5:00 PM in Plaza III (Three)Poe's Poetry (86)
Even people who say that they hate poetry love his work. What are
your favorite Poe poems in the fantasy and horror genres?
Ray Ridenour (mod), Richard Stout, Alyce Wilson, Stephanie Burke,
John Drew
* Sun 1:00 PM in Plaza V (Five)Eat Right, Exercise, Die Anyway...
Healthy Living For Fans (147)
In general, fans tend to be a rather... sedentary... group. What simple
things can we do to improve our health and live a better life?
James Prego (mod), Alyce Wilson, Jared Axelrod
* Sun 2:00 PM in Plaza IV (Four)What My Cat Had For Breakfast.
Just because everyone can have a blog does that mean everyone should?
Panelists discuss what kind of personal responsibility comes with putting
your thoughts out there for the world to read.
Popfiend (mod), Kyle Cassidy, Alyce Wilson, Terri Osborne, KT Pinto