an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

March 25, 2008 - Recent Pics

Since I'm still under the weather, I'm going to share some recent pics.

First, Una sniffing crocuses, which makes me long for our leisurely walks.

Una sniffing crocuses (Click to enlarge)

Then is a truck I spotted in Center City, for which I loved the logo and slogan. It's the "Eatmore Fruit Company," who brag that they're "the freshest guys in town."

Eatmore Fruit Co. (Click to enlarge)

The next shot was taken the same day, of a particularly ambitious graffiti tag at the top of a parking garage. We had trouble reading it, though. It kind of looks like it reads "SAVADEAN N ANK." Whatever. I mean, if you're going to make your message that big, at least make it legible.

Graffiti (Click to enlarge)

Also the same day, I was heading home when, in the Market East Station, I came across a press conference being set up. A camera or two were focused on a podium, and there were several posters on tripods, to be used as visual aids. I had a few minutes, so I hung out to see what the press conference was about. It was to announce a grant that would be used for improvements to the transit system. Not earthshattering, but good news, I suppose.

Press conference (Click to enlarge)

All of the previous photos were taken with my camera phone, while the last two are taken with my digital camera. The first is of Luke, chilling out with a teddy bear. I've been trying to come up with a cute caption to use on the I Can Has Cheezburger site. I'm open to suggestions.

Luke with teddy (Click to enlarge)

Finally, a picture of Una taken the same time. This is pretty much how she's been looking for the last several days as she follows me around, attentively: "Can I get you anything?"

Una nosie (Click to enlarge)




Even dogs like spring crocuses.

Copyright 2008 by Alyce Wilson

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