an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

August 3, 2003 - Juvenalia

I'm feeling a bit lazy today, so I'll share some of the first poems that I ever wrote. These date from grade school, roughly ages 9 through 13. Sadly, my handwriting was actually better then. Hopefully, my poetry has improved.

I collected them in an orange composition book which I titled "My Book of Poetry and Stories by Alice Wilson."

Some of them are clearly influenced by Dr. Seuss, whose marvelously creative children's books represented my first exposure to poetry.



The grass is green,
The tulips red,
The night is black
It's time for bed.


Bored Stiff

The rain upon the window,
Went pitter, pitter, pat.
And there up on the windowsill
Was Pumpkinseed, my cat.
She sat and watched the rain go down,
All day that's where she sat.
When it was time for bedtime,
She sat and sat and sat.
And while there she sat all day,
The little mice came out to play.



What to Do About Anger

If you ever get mad at your brother,
Don't jump and scream and shout.
If your big sister gets mad and blames you,
Don't stamp your foot and pout.
Just sit down quietly and count to ten,
And hope that they don't start all over again!



Ice and iceskates go together,
In such cold and freezing weather.
But be very sure that you,
Don't go down in the water so blue.


What I Would Do If I Were President

If I were President, I think,
I'd strengthen our very weakest link.
I'd lower taxes and stop inflation,
That's how I would save this nation.

I'd make sure wars were never fought,
Our nation then would be like it ought,
Never, then, we'd ever fight,
Everything would be all right.



Just like flowers are signs of spring,
Bats are signs of Halloween.
Falling leaves are signs of Fall.
But, of course, that isn't all.

Schoolbooks and papers are signs of school,
A place where every boy and ghoul,
Goes to learn to read and write.
So wouldn't it be only fair,
To see what they are doing there?

So come to our school's Open House
We'll see you there (or else)!
Ah ha ha ha ha

To appreciate where you're going, look back at where you've come from.

Copyright 1978-2003 by Alyce Wilson

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