an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

June 5, 2008 - More Hometown Pics

Today, I'm trying not to speak more than I have to, since I injured my tongue this past weekend, probably by biting it. I don't remember this; I never remember injuring myself. Sometimes I wonder if someone borrows my body while I'm sleeping, bashes around town in it, and returns it, bruised and aching.

Keeping quiet is more difficult than you might think. I stopped to deposit a paycheck, and the ATM was down, meaning I had to talk to a teller. Then, at the grocery store, I was greeted by the friendly security guard who always wants to pass the time of day. I nodded and smiled. Then the cashier, seeing I was buying a lot of produce, gushed about the home garden she's starting. I tried to stick to nonverbal responses as much as possible, or short phrases.

At home, it's easier, because The Gryphon is aware of my self-imposed restriction. I've been communicating through sounds and gestures, and sometimes writing on a pad. Una even cooperated on our walk, obeying the hand signals we've rehearsed along with her verbal commands.

I'm hoping that the respite will help my tongue to recover more quickly. It does feel less irritated than it had by this time of the day, any day this week. Who knows? Maybe my silence will lead to satori. Probably not, because I'm still writing my blog and listening to The Beatles.

As promised, here are some more pics from the trip to Central Pennsylvania. I'll let them speak for me.

Guard puppeh (Click to enlarge)

Guard puppeh is faster than my focus mechanism.

Flowering bush (Click to enlarge)

A flowering bush, covered with a lacework of buds.

Hanging plant (Click to enlarge)

Close-up of flowers in a hanging pot

Red helicopters (Click to enlarge)

Beautiful red "helicopter" seeds. For red trees?

Missing Dakota (Click to enlarge)

A sidewalk-chalk memorial to a beloved pet

Yellow ribbon on bush (Click to enlarge)

A bush blooms with remembrance.

Rose buds (Click to enlarge)

Future flowers

Detail of telephone pole (Click to enlarge)

Telephone-pole band says, "Oh, noes! Rust!"

Golden arches (Click to enlarge)

The Golden Arches, oasis of French fries

Una says no to a hydrant (Click to enlarge)

Una just says no to hydrants.

Destroyed by fire (Click to enlarge)

Just can't catch a break.

Small dogs are great guard dogs, because they disarm you with laughter.

Copyright 2008 by Alyce Wilson

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