an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

June 6, 2007 - Found Religion

While I haven't shared any found items recently, I'm still collecting them. Here are a few with a religious theme.

The first is a hand drawn sign done in crayon and marker. It has a multicolored background and many drawings of flowers and dogs. The sign reads:

My familiy and my friends!!!!!


Shalom hebrews

I just love the exuberance of this sign, especially the carefully drawn dogs, which are actually done in two colors: black and read. The fact that they're almost exactly the same makes me think the young artist was basing them on another drawing.

Whatever event the sign was for, I'm sure everyone had a good time.

The next found item is also carefully drawn, and it's very much like a love note, except with a religious theme. It consists of two pieces of paper, one wrapped around the other. The image on the outside paper is of a heart with the word "Church" written inside surrounded by eight small hearts. At the top is written, "Jessus Jessus" and at the bottom the name, presumably, of the person who received the note: "Fatou". The image below is close to the actual size.

The inner paper is folded up and consists of a double-sided issue. On one side is an image of a cross on a chain, the cross covered with hearts. In the bottom right corner is a stick figure with long hair (a girl?).

On the other side is the name Fatou again, this time with hearts inside the "a" and the "o". The "o" is also made into a sun. At the bottom is a flower with a heart center and hearts as petals.

A little research reveals that the name Fatou is African and is, furthermore, Muslim in origin. My guess is that this note was drawn by a girl (just because it's typically girls who write such notes) during church or Sunday School and that it was drawn for a close friend of the artist, whom the artist hoped to convince to join her at church.

Finally, I found a photocopied sheet of hand written lyrics, which I assume were for performance by a choir. It reads:

Oh yes I've made up my mind to serve the Lord
serve him till I die   x 2

              Mind    (Group - mind, mind, mind)

To love
  To serve the Lord     (Group - Lord, Lord)

To praise

2. We are the blessed women   x 2
     Jesus made us blessed women
     We are the blessed ones

1. I am a blessed woman  x 2
    Jesus made me a blessed woman
    I am a blessed one

         Blessed woman, blessed women

Blessed be.

Those who feel strongly about their religion find creative outlets.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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