an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

July 14, 2009 - OTAKON, T Minus 2

Since I'm going to to be incredibly busy for the next couple days, I'm counting down to Otakon by sharing some pics from my years on staff. Today I share pics from 2007.

Otakon 2007 - Press Relations Punch (Click to enlarge)

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The Blue-Eyed Brazilian, on a Kinkos run,
stops to clock his second-in-command, Gerbil, in the face.
Got to keep those lieutenants in line. (If you can't tell, it's fake!)


Otakon 2007 - Bunny Ops (Click to enlarge)

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The Doctor in one of my favorite pics of her,
channels her inner bunny while working in Gofer Ops.


Otakon 2007 - Dead Dog Laughs (Click to enlarge)

(Faster-loading version)

At the Dead Dog party, I borrow someone's ears
and act as cute as possible, while Kapow breaks up at something funny.


It's not Otakon unless someone's wearing some animal ears.

Copyright 2009 by Alyce Wilson

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