an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

July 11, 2007 - Dress in Hand

This morning I took care of a very important wedding related task: picking up my wedding gown.

I'd gone in about a month ago for my dress fitting at David's Bridal, where I bought my dress, and this was the date the dress was scheduled to be finished. I had the earliest morning appointment and walked in just as they were opening the store.

Several seamstresses were hard at work in the back, and I gave them my name. Soon, the seamstress who had taken my measurements greeted me. She assured me the dress was done, then went to find it for me.

Now I'll admit, I was a little nervous about how it would fit, since I weighed myself this morning and the scale had gone up a couple pounds. Due, no doubt, to my splurging this past weekend at The Gryphon's party.

I do, however, take my measurements every week, and those hadn't changed since a month ago, so I needn't have worried.

I ducked into a dressing room and changed into the dress. It looked great, but I had trouble getting it zipped all the way to the top. I was a little concerned about this, but the seamstress was unfazed. She said to just have someone fasten the hook at the top before zipping it. Fortunately, I have bridesmaids!

Come to think of it, I remember having to zip my sister into her wedding dress, so I'm certain that this is a proper fit. I mean, it definitely looked good in the mirror. The seamstress complimented me.

"You could even wear it again," she said, noting that the dress is tea length. I don't know how likely that is, though. Wouldn't it be odd showing up to a soiree in your wedding gown?

Now that the dress is safely hung in my closet, I've got one more thing to cross off my list!


More on Alyce's wedding planning:

Musings on Alyce's Wedding


Measurements matter more than the scale.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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