an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

December 22, 2009 - Snowy City

As I mentioned yesterday, we got a record-setting amount of snowfall in Philadelphia, about 20 inches. Here are some pics I took in Center City and Old City Philadelphia yesterday.

Snow in Front of Independence Hall (Click to enlarge)

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The snow piled in front of Independence Hall was waist high,
as shown by the National Park Service employee in the bottom right.


Tour Sign in Snow (Click to enlarge)

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A sign reading "Independence Hall Tour" is partially obscured by snow.


Bearcat on Independence Mall (Click to enlarge)

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A city employee in a Bearcat clears sidewalks around Independence Mall.


Snowbound Bike (Click to enlarge)

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A bicycle, left out during the storm, is mired in snow.


Snow-Covered Fire Hydrant (Click to enlarge)

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A fire hydrant near City Hall is completely covered with snow.


Anything that doesn't move gets covered with snow in a blizzard.

Copyright 2009 by Alyce Wilson

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