an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

December 14, 2006 - Found Christmas Letter

Since it's nearing Christmas time, I'll share a letter I found while walking my dog this summer. It reads:

Dear Mom,

It's A! This might be a little late because they ran Out of Christmas cards and I had to wait to Get this. Well, by the time you get this It will be New Years. So Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Thanks for the Christmas package, but I gotta send a lot of things back. Like my pajamas, photo album and some more stuff as soon as I get some more money. Yeah I'm kind of broke becuse I owed some medical fees and stuff since August so It went pretty fast. I haven't heard from O.C. in a while, but I pray that all is well. I love you Mom!


The letter writer signed his full name, which struck me as a little odd for a letter to your mother. I also couldn't figure out why he'd need to send back his Christmas gifts. Did he expect his mother to send him money instead? If so, he never says so.

Apparently, the letter upset her, because I found it torn into several pieces. I guess it was a pretty unpleasant surprise to receive a late Christmas card with a letter inside that says, "Thanks for the gifts... but no thanks."

I wonder if this year she'll send him money or nothing at all.


If you'd rather have money for Christmas, tell your Mom before she buys gifts.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

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