an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

December 27, 2006 - Under the Weather

Mom and Dad with their wedding party

Saturday, we got up fairly early so we'd have time to have breakfast and get our stuff together before heading to Central Pennsylvania to spend the holidays with my family.

The drive was going smoothly enough, at first, but The Gryphon had woken up achy all over. It didn't get better as the day progressed.

In fact, it got worse. So by the time we reached my father's place, he was feeling really sick and out of it.

I had some things to return to Mom, so The Gryphon changed into pajamas and hung out at my Dad's place, while I drove over to Mom's place. I returned to her the wedding photos of her and Dad's wedding back in 1967, which I had borrowed to get ideas for our retro themed wedding. I also returned some jewelry I had borrowed to consider with my wedding dress but had ruled out.

Then we spent some time hanging out and talking while I threw a couple things in her washing machine. The wash took a lot longer than I'd expected. It's a new machine, so I don't know why that would be.

She invited me to dinner, but I told her I thought Dad was expecting me to eat with him. I told her she should go ahead and cook her own meal, and I kept her company while she was cooking until my stuff was ready to go. When I bid her goodnight, I told her we'd see her again the next evening at the Christmas Eve church service, where she and my dad were scheduled to sing a duet.

I drove back over to Dad's place, and it was just going on about 6 p.m. by then. The Gryphon wasn't up to joining us for dinner, but he was satisfied what Dad had in the cupboards and said he would find himself something there, something light like soup.

Dad and I went to Applebee's, which has Weight Watchers entrees available. We both had the tilapia, which was the fewest points. They offered us dessert but we declined. When we got back, The Gryphon said he had eaten some soup and felt a little better.

For the rest of the evening, while The Gryphon slept, Dad and I watched some programs on HGTV, including Designer's Challenge, where three designers compete to do a project. Whoever gets chosen, you get to see the result. I found it entertaining, as did Dad.

The thing that concerned me the most was that I was worried about The Gryphon being OK for the rest of the weekend. I knew he had at least one long day ahead of him, Christmas.

More from Christmas with Alyce's family:

December 28, 2006 - Heck of a Day

December 29, 2006 - Diva Dogs

It's hard to enjoy yourself when your beloved is sick.

Copyright 2006 by Alyce Wilson

December 2006 Index

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