an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

August 27, 2009 - Golden Morning

In a week of air conditioner failure (we have a new one installed but need an electrician to change the outlet before using it) and power failure (this afternoon, right in time to cost me my afternoon assignment and the associated pay), there was at least one bright moment.

Monday morning The Gryphon and I had breakfast in the city. The light that morning struck me as particularly golden, so I took some photos. Here are the best.

City Hall and Office Building (Click to enlarge)

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The contrast between City Hall (right)
and a nearby office building,
suffused with gold light, is striking.


Sun Through Trees - Independence Hall (Click to enlarge)

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The sun through the trees behind Independence Hall
casts mottled shadows on the sidewalk.


Independence Park (Click to enlarge)

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A wider view of the tree-lined park behind Independence Hall.


Independence Hall (Click to enlarge)

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It was a little tricky to get a shot of Independence Hall
without tourists in front, but I found a good angle.


Appreciate the golden moments.

Copyright 2009 by Alyce Wilson

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