an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

April 22, 2004 - No Justice for Jennifer

Oh... my... God. I went away for a couple days, and the teenyboppers took over the asylum. That's the only explanation I have for what went down on American Idol this week.

I was going to wait until tomorrow and tack my observations onto the end of tomorrow's Musing, but this is too big.

If you are a music lover, you'll understand what I mean. This week, despite stellar performances that won praise from both the regular judges and guest judge Barry Manilow, the bottom three vote getters were some of the strongest singers on the show: LaToya London, Fantasia Barrino and Jennifer Hudson.

At the end of the bloodbath, Jennifer Hudson was out and Fantasia had barely survived.

This is no joy in Divaville.

As judge Simon Cowell said so eloquently when he found out who placed in the bottom three, "Tongue. Floor."

As soon as I'd finished watching the tape, I called The Gryphon on his cell phone and, without preamble, exclaimed, "That was messed UP!"

My only explanation for it is that American Idol has turned into a popularity show and some pimply faced teeny queens out there are eagerly punching in votes for the under 18 set. This is why California should think twice about the recent proposal to give 16-year-olds the vote.

A grudging part of me must admit that I'm not entirely surprised that Jennifer was shown the door. She's been in the bottom three twice before, and she's had a roller coaster ride in terms of voting: up, up, up one week and down, down, down the next. That Fantasia was down there with her, just atrocious, people. Atrocious.

As eagerly as I've been following this competition, if the vapid vote continues and people choose likable but vocally forgettable crooner John Stevens over hard-belting George and divas Fantasia and LaToya, this is one white chick who will stop watching AI. And instead, I'll give my money, where it belongs, to the first record company to sign Jennifer, George, Fantasia and LaToya.

Other Musings by Alyce on American Idol:

American Idol Index


Vote early, vote often; keep the talented singers in!

Copyright 2004 by Alyce Wilson

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