an Online Journal of Sorts

By Alyce Wilson

February 23, 2005 - Rock On

Waking up with a headache is, of course, no fun. But it helps when I can figure out what sort of headache it is. I think I might have had a slight headache when I went to bed last night, which makes me think it might be a migraine. That's one of the few headaches that doesn't disappear after a good night's sleep.

I woke up this morning and drank lots of water, in case it was a dehydration headache. I took a little pain medicine and went back to bed.

This morning I decided to give myself a bit of a break and skip my workout at the gym plus my usual exercise routine with exercise tapes at home. With a migraine, it's best to take it easy and relax. Otherwise, it only gets worse, and then it lasts all day.

After I finish the dog walk, I'm going to take a hot bath, using the bath salts The Gryphon got me for Valentine's Day.

I know the headache isn't weather related, because it's bright and sunny, if a little cold. In fact, I think being outside is helping.

Besides my headache, I have some other thoughts on my mind, like the first round of American Idol competition, as they whittle the contestants down to the finalists.

On Mondays the guys are performing, and on Tuesdays the women perform, with results on Wednesdays. The idea is to have more of a balance among the finalists by having an even mix of girls and guys.

One contestant on Monday really surprised me: Bo Bice. He's one of the "rockers," with long hair and a rock background. I hadn't expected him to do so well, but he really impressed me. His voice was strong; he had confidence on the stage. And he picked an interesting song. Both The Gryphon and I voted for him.

We also voted for Constantine Maroulis, another "rocker." While his vocal performance wasn't as strong, it was still good. And of course, he has oodles of charisma.

I also voted for two of my favorites: music teacher Anwar Robinson, who reminds me of a young Lionel Richie, and Mario Vazquez, who really impressed the judges with a high energy performance. While neither of these two gave their best performance, they were still better than many of their competitors.

Tuesday night, three stood out, and both The Gryphon and I agreed they deserved our votes. They were Carrie Underwood, self-described farm girl with a strong, smoky voice and a country delivery. Then, of course, Nadia Turner, who has got it all going: from voice to being comfortable on stage to a bright personality. She'll be a fierce competitor. Finally, Aloha Mischeaux, who hasn't been featured much in the shows to date, impressed us with her strong voice and strong stage presence, which made up for the fact that sometimes her pacing was off.

We'll see who moves on to the next stage tonight. This early in the competition, people haven't really formed connections to many performers, so they'll probably base their decisions on the performances they see. Whether or not the contestants did well under the pressure will influence who moves on.

More Musings on American Idol:

American Idol, Season Four

American Idol, Season Three



Headaches are nature's warning to take it easy.

Copyright 2005 by Alyce Wilson

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